Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The time of my life

Hello folks. Its been awhile I know...but im working a shit ton and barely have time to breathe let alone post on here. But here I am.

Since my last post I attended the American Idols Live tour with my best friend mitchell. It was a pretty fun day. we met at target in the morning, picked up the rental car...which was...drum roll please...a cadillac cts. we were pimpin it out on the way to pittsburgh thats for sure. after picking up the rental we headed for pittsburgh and went to the monroeville mall. i bought a pair of jeans and an abercrombie shirt and mitch bought a pair of sunglasses that he later decided he didnt like. haha. after spending most of the day at the mall we headed for the mellon arena. we ran into some people we knew and hung out with them in line. Keep in mind i was going into this show not knowing what to expect seeing as how i never watched a show this season. but i must say the show was fantastic. David cook blew my mind. im now a fan. hes pretty much amazing and i just want to thank mitchell for inviting me. i had a blast! im not real good with the whole recap thing so if you want a play by play you may want to check out his blog. its linked on the side of my site. :)

I bought a laptop today. Its a sony vaio. i love it :) i feel i got a decent deal on it so we'll see lol. im sorry this is short but im sleepy and steve is here ;) we're gonna go chill. Catch you all soon!

until next time