Friday, September 5, 2008

Gonna party till the break of dawn

Well, I havent written in ages. I am so bad about keeping up with this thing. Its really rather stupid to keep posting because no one reads anyway.

I really havent been up to much. Just working basically. Tryin hard to make commission but so far it hasnt happend yet. Oh I bought a new car and im basically broke because of it. I love it though. Its hot. 2006 Pontiac G6 GTP. I just wish my job paid a little more because after insurance and a car payment, i basically have enough money to pay for my 2 credit cards. Student loans are coming and I think dad is going to have to help me pay those back because I'm not going to have it. Unless a miracle arises. But we'll see.

Steve got a job! A good one too. Im so excited for him. He deserves it. He will be getting benefits and everything after 60 days. Im so proud of him. And his bos said that if he goes and gets his CDL license and his pa inspection license he will be making more money. This could be it his calling and it helps me breathe a sigh of relief because I know hes the one, I know that if he can keep this job we can have a future together and nothing makes me more happy than that feeling. I love him with all my heart and I would like to shout it so loud that the world could hear.

I have been feeling a little down about myself lately. I feel like im not pretty enough. I feel fat and disgusting and im not sure why. Maybe its because my pants are getting tighter than they used to be. its because all i do is sit on my ass at work. Adam and i go on like 15 min walks everyday but i guess thats not enough.

My 21st bday is one week from today. im gettin excited. i just hope i dont puke,

well, im talkin to my baby, im gonna go. i'll try to update soon.

Until Next Time
