Friday, May 6, 2011

Heartburn, Kicking and couponing!

Well its been awhile. Yeah I suck I know. Life has been super busy. Some I can talk about on here, some I will refrain.

For starters, this heartburn has been killer lately. Its very random I know but it seems no matter what I try it doesn't stop. I can feel great all day long then as soon as I lay down to go to sleep it rears its ugly head. I swear with this heartburn my son is going to come out looking like an Ape lol.

I am now in my 29th week of pregnancy. Getting there. about 10 1/2 more weeks ish to go. Keagyn is growing everyday. I can tell with the way my belly is growing and my need to eat 24/7. Today for instance...I can't get full no matter how hard I try. Its kind of annoying cuz it makes me feel like a cow but its ok cuz lil man needs it so hes strong enough for his entry into the world. Also, the subtle little wiggles in my tummy that I felt, aren't so subtle anymore. I can literally sit here and watch my entire belly move. Our new found entertainment is to put things on my belly and watch keagyn kick them. I really don't mind too much until he wiggles his way into my ribs. That is VERY uncomfortable and he seems to like them alot. Like they are his own personal jungle gym.

I could really use a normal 9-5 mon-fri job but they are so hard to come by anymore. It would make life so much easier I think. I could be a bank teller or something but I cant really deal with the couple dollar an hr pay cut I would take. I'll just stick around here in hopes that someday a new shift will open, though I will not hold my breath. That wouldn't be good for my health. lol

So, Couponing...its Randy and I's new hobby. Its fun and addicting. We learned this thanks to the new show, Extreme Couponing. We decided to give it a shot and now we are buying several sunday papers a week and printing lots of online coupons. We have had a few successful trips, such as the trips to dollar general and walgreens, buying 9 bottles of body wash, a bottle of shout, a 6 pack of paper towels and 2 tubes of toothpaste and only spending .48 between the 2 stores. Who needs drugs when you get a high off watching the price drop like that? Its fantastic. We're going to keep practicing and maybe we can be like the people on tv. lol.

Alright well, its about time for me to get out of work and I am more than ready please believe. I'll try to write again soon, and if i bored the shit out of you, Sorry :-) nite!

~*Until next time*~