Saturday, July 19, 2008

Well Hello Readers...the very few that there are.
Im finally back to write. Im horrible with updating this thing and for that I am sorry. I promise i'll try to come back more often.

In my last entry I mentioned a job interview with Atlantic Broadband. Well, I got the job. I started on June 10th. June 9th was my last day at Target and I cried like a baby. Literally. It was sad but I go in to visit alot. And I still talk to my bestest Mitchell ona regular basis. Anyway, I just finished up training at ABB and I start on the phones on my own tomorrow and im pretty scared about it. The job is ok. Alot of the people are awesome and i can tell I'm going to make some new friends there. Also, The pay checks are damn good compared to what I was getting at target. Like triple the amount which rox my world.

Im looking for a new car. Only problem is, my insurance is going to be sky high. oh well guess thats wat i get. lol

well im sorry this is short but today is my last saturday off and i am going to go find something to do. big mouth subs ruined my day by calling steve into work so now i dont have anything to do. its lame. I wanted to go to community days tonite and now i doubt im gonna be able to go. its stupid. I can never go when i want. i wanted to go the past 2 years and couldnt cuz i had to work. bull shit.

im out. leave comments please.