Saturday, May 31, 2008

Now that its all said and done...

Well, yes folks...ive done it. I've graduated penn highlands community college with an associates degree...with honors none the less. go me. Graduation was cool. My best friends and my family were there to cheer me on. Thank you to Mitchell, Chris, Steve, my fam...and the big angry midget matthew for showing up. it means alot to me that you all came. The party afterward was fun too. everyone that i wanted to come showed up did, well with exception of mitch. But it made my nite. So now what is in store for diddy? Well folks, the job search is on.

Speaking of job search, I had an interview with atlantic broadband yesterday. It seemed to go well and I think i may get the job. The only downside to that being, its second shift which means i work from 2:30-11 thursday-monday. but its full time, benefits, and good cash flow. so i'll take what i can get and i'll just have to rearrange my social scheduel. wish me luck.

other than that, nothing much is happening. im trying to get more hours at the bullseye..but im not gonna hold my breath. i guess thats all i have for you today. i just kind of had a brain fart and everything i was going to say has left, so i'm gonna go. lol. have a good day and i'll try to write soon.

until we meet again,


Unknown said...

DIDDY! I LOST MY VOICE! well mostly, but for a guy who loves to talk and sing, this is awful!!!

Diddy said...

im sorry to hear that i hope you are better now. I miss you