Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Comin to an End...

Well, about 2 weeks of classes to go and this chapter of my college career has ended. Whether I decide to return to school or the story ends here...well you're just going to have to wait and see. lol. Im not even sure of that myself yet.

I have a job interview Thursday morning at 10:30am. Its for Hoss's corporate office as a receptionist. It's only wednesdays and covering shifts for right now, but it could turn permanant. Atleast it will get my foot in the door and it will get me more work experience. I'm a little nervous though. I hope I dont choke on my words. Also Thursday, Ive been invited to go to the scholars awards ceremony. I guess its where they pick the top academic achiever in each program and they get an award...and I just so happen to be getting the award in my program. GO ME! lol. So that might be interesting, and if it isnt, well its getting me out of english class. who wants to talk about hamlet anyway? lol.

ok randomness...YAY!
1. Mario Kart Wii is the greatest game ever invented. I'm obsessed with it. I sit there and cuss at the screen for hours. Those little bastards race dirty! lol. So if you have a wii, I suggest you go buy yourself a copy. Thats right, stop reading right now and go get the damn game! lol.

2. Heath Ledger will always be gorgeous even tho hes gone now. I watched 10 Things I hate about you the other day. That movie gets me every time. His accent....wholy shit. lol.

3. Protein bars taste like shit. Not that I know what shit tastes like or anything but yea I tried some blueberry ones and i had one and gave the rest to my dad. they were pretty gross. and not only gross going down, but they left a gross after taste and they made my mountain dew taste like....gross. lol.

well im out of things for the day. Sorry if i bored you out of your mind once again. More to come soon. So leave feedback so I know people care!

until next time...
