Monday, April 7, 2008

no title for this one

I couldn't think of a title for this one. Much because I'm sort of in a funk when i write this tonite. I just feel the need for some venting time. So here goes.

I miss my friend(well ex friend) Chris. He recently stopped talking to me cuz his ex girlfriend that hes trying to get back together with hates me. She blames me for them breaking up for whatever reason. And it bothers me. Chris and I were tight. We always hung out and we always had a blast. But aparently im a slut and can't be trusted around him so she wont allow him to see me. And to top it off i recently found out they got back together. So i guess i can lose his number cuz i wont be seeing him anymore. Aparently many people think im a slut? Another friend for instance wont let me chill with my best friend because they somehow think im going to steal him or something. I dont know its all dum. I dont see how im a big slut when Ive been with one guy my whole life and Im inlove with him. I couldnt even dream of cheating on him. I dont even know anymore. The whole thing just depresses me.

So, Random moment, I ate an entire bag of popcorn by myself after work today. It was fantastic. MmM the buttery essence just melts in your mouth. And the result of it, I feel like ass. Ate way to much for my lil belly. Oh but i could totally go for another bag! lol.

Ive come to realize i need to start budgeting my money again. I was doing so good. I had alot saved up in my checking account. And then I started splurging way to much. iPod for one. ok thats not too bad rite. I used my tax money from last year. Wii. Big mistake. I mean its fun but im still paying of my credit card as a result of it. lol. Guitar Hero III. Love it...spend almost 90 dollars on it....and I shouldnt have. And the big kahuna of impulse buys...rock band. super game..but didnt have the money. and it takes up so much space! lol. So in result I have like 200 bucks in the bank and soon im going to be getting student loans. so from now on..NO MORE IMPULSE BUYING! unless daughtry comes to town of course! lol. I put my tax money from this year in savings so i cant spend it...unless i decide to get the camera ive been wanting..but ive been planing this for a few weeks now and i have someone lined up to buy my old one. so we'll see. any suggestions?

Well, that was enough boring randomness for the day. Catch you all soon. If anyone reads. I dont get any feedback.

Until next time,


Unknown said...

you know...i just noticed that you have "webkinz" as a link. how old are you again? 10? LOL

know what i hate? giant anacondas (and yes, that was my nickname in high school!)

know what else i hate? not being able to sleep!

know what i love? the fact that your blog is like 24hours a day even at 1:30am for people who need weird shit (like saying the word anaconda.)

diddy rocks!!!


Diddy said...

hell yes webkinz rocks hardcore! i own a husky one named myah. and shes the shit. you should get one and they can play :)i got chris to get one right before he stopped talking to me. he got a turtle and he said it was the shit. then he abandoned it when he abandoned me.