Monday, March 31, 2008

Destination Unknown...

Well, here it is, March 30. Just a little less than 2 months till I graduate. And you know what? I have no idea where Im going in life. Hense the title of this entry, Destination Unknown. Thats exactly how I feel at this moment. Im so confused right now. I am broke. I need more money. I could use a second job, but I dont have the time for one. My hours at Target dont allow me any free time as it is, but they arent going to pay for a more reliable car either. Maybe when classes are finished I will be work aholic. i'll work a job in the mornings and target in the evenings. That is until I find something in my field of work, if I can find one that is. What happens if i dont like webdesign when i get out there? Then i wasted pretty much 2 years of my life and all that money for nothing. I'll be dirt poor living on the streets. Im not moving far away. Ive already decided that. If i was going to move far away I would go onward with school and go to ECU, My dream school that I was too stupid to get into in the first place. I could easily get in there now, with my honors grades. I guess I showed them. haha. Too bad thats not going to happen. Im not leaving steve. Especially now when he needs me the most. Which brings me to my next randomness about my life.

Steve's dad isnt doing very well. He was diagnosed with cancer in the summer and they gave him 6 months. God love the man hes fighting with all his might, but its starting to take hold on him. Steve's sitting up all night every night with him and barely getting any sleep. Not only is he stressed, but seeing him upset is killing me. I dont even know what to do with myself anymore. I have trouble sleeping, and im not eating. Im going to wither away to nothing here soon. But thats enough of that.

Easter sucked. The easter bunny forgot lil ol' me this year. I guess i was a bad girl. I didnt even get as much as a card. From ANYONE! :(

On a lighter note...Who thinks Chris Daughtry should stop touring and make a new album? I'll be the first one to raise my hand and jump up and down. I mean, dont get me wrong I love seeing him live and would love more chances, but how about makin some more music. hes going to start losing his fans if he doesnt. They are going to get bored. I mean I wont stop loving him. Im addicted to that voice of his. But im just looking out for his well being. He needs to make more music!

Well, Im off to send out more resumes. Wish me luck. And if you have any ideas of where I can send one, throw them my way. Please?

Catch you all on the flip side.
