Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Guess Whos Back? Back again?

Diddy's Back. Tell a friend.

lol dont ask where that came from. Sounded good though didnt it? haha. So, since my last entry, steve and I shared our 2 year anniversary together. 2 years into forever about sums it up. Hes amazing, and I'm glad I can call him mine. Ya kno, I can remember the first day I met him. I went Skating with Jesse and Alica. Of course I had never been skating in my life, and I fell on my ass. Numerous times. And steve was the one who skated over to help me up. Sweet huh? Like I said, hes amazing and I knew from that moment when he picked me up and brushed me off, that he was going to be mine forever.

The school semester is about half over. you know what that means right? Just 2 short months till I am out of that place! WOO!! So people help me find a job with benefits cuz im going to need something soon.

I've come to realize what awesome friends I have. Really. I dont know what I would do without them. For starters, Mitchell. I met him when I started work at the first I was intimidated by him, then he started talking to me around octoberish I believe. We just clicked. Its like we got eachother. now we're the best of friends. And thats awesome cuz I wouldnt have it any other way. I know i'll always be there for him and I hope he would do the same for me. Next is Lyndsey. My best friend since 7th grade. We started as rivals because she liked NSYNC and I liked the Backstreet Boys. But you know, that was one difference that brought us closer together. Lyndsey and i have been through some rough shit together but we've made it and I know we'll be friends till the end. And last but not least, Chris. I also met chris at the bullseye. and hes pretty much one of the coolest people I ever met. Also, one of the sweetest. He lets me cry on his shoulder when I need him and I thank him for that. I cant forget my college buddies too. You guys know who you are.

I really wish I was better at this whole blogging thing. Much like Mitchell. But unfortunately instead of entertaining I tend to bore the living shit out of people. I dont know how he does it but You should look at his blog. he rocks...HARDCORE! :)

well, im off to bed after an amazing night with steven. Ronnie keep your chin up. i love ya! catch you all at a later date!

until we meet again,
hold on to those dear to you



Unknown said...

hmmm...i like the does indeed rock. id even go as far as saying that it rocks hardcore!

you don't bore people, trust me. just keep writing and people will come. advertise through myspace (remember when i said that myspace serves a purpose for me?)

the more you write, the better you'll be. plus who the hell cares as long as it makes sense to you!

im always there for ya kiddo...

luv ya,
