Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Sorry its been so long. Ive been busy as shit with school and work. Its kinda stressing actually. But im getting by just fine.

Not a whole lot has been going on. Maybe thats another reason I haven't written. I dont like to bore people with my writings, which im pretty sure I do anyway. lol.

Valentines Day has come and gone. I had classes all day. Till 9pm in fact. So that kinda sucked. But steve came over after I got done and we went bowling with Chris and Samantha. That was really fun. I love bowling, but I seem to really suck at it lately. Like im talking im lucky to break 50. lmao. Anyway, afterward we all went to Denny's. I enjoy spending time with them. Steve got me the giant white bear from target that Ive been wanting since last year. Hes cute. I think i shall name him Valentine :)

Our 2 year anniversary is monday. Plans are to hang out all day. He will go to my one evening class with me then we will go to the Olive Garden. those are the plans. we will see if things go smoothly. Things always go wrong for us on the 25th. its like some awful curse. lol.

Im graduating in just about 2 months...and the thought sort of scares me. I will lose my insurance and have to get out and try to find either a second job, or a real job. Cuz quite frankly one cant live on target salary, unless you are like an executive or something. Which sort of sucks because no matter how much I bitch and Moan about work...i like it. Well, not the job itself but the atmosphere and the people there. I think i'll probably cry when I leave, and visit all the time. no doubt. Oh, if all goes well...I should be going away with work for a few days in June. I signed up for plan-o-rama. its where we go help set the planograms for the new store thats going up. Im kind of excited about it. The day goes fast when you're setting planograms.

well, now that ive bored everyone to tears, im off to brush my teeth and go pick up courtney so we can go to classes. Steve and I might be getting 2 older huskies today. hes going to look at them. I would absolutely die if we could. Anyway im outie.

until next time...
