Saturday, January 26, 2008

wow. long time no blog

Well Here I am...blogging in the new year. for the first time. and its been here for almost a month. Im sorry im such a slacker. But I havent really been in the blogging mood...nor have I had the time.

not a whole lot is new really. A group of us went to Dave and Dianna's wedding. That was an absolute blast. I love my friends to death, and I wouldnt trade them for the world. I really needed that weekend away to clear my head of all the pain in the ass shit going on at home.

Steve and I are doing better than my last entry. Like I said, I regretted everything I wrote the next day. What can I say i love the boy. Even though we have our rough times sometimes, I still love him with all my heart. What doesnt hurt our relationship will only make us stronger. He is pretty much the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldnt give up one moment with him if my life depended on it. Not one.

Ive started school back up. My last semester. THANK GOD! I have some shitty classes this semester like literature and health and wellness. Just what I need, a class that is going to tell me how unhealthy and fat I am, while im sitting on my ass reading literature written in old english not doing a damn thing about being unhealthy and fat. lol. But the good thing is, the teachers are pretty damn cool. which is a huge plus. My computer classes seem pretty cool. Im learning XML. Its different. And my small business class is just as bad as marketing was last semester. but what ever. just 14 weeks to go and im done.

I found out today I got Great team hero for the month of february at work. Which in everyone elses terms its like employee of the month. Im pretty excited about it. I never thought they would pick me. But I think i have my best friend Mitchell and Theresa to thank for that one because they mentioned me and how well ive been doing. Thanks guys. You rock...HARDCORE

well here it is 2:30am and im still awake. I think its time to close for the evening cuz I work all day tomorrow. I'll post soon.

Until we meet again....
remember its the little things that mean the most.



lyndsey renee said...

Well, there's not much I can say because we discussed pretty much all of this at Burger King the other night. Although I can say, it's always good to have somewhere to vent- especially if there's nobody to listen to you when you need to be heard. Congrats on the EOTM, too. Now dear, write something a little cheerier and I'll be able to leave a cheerier comment. Haha.