Sunday, April 20, 2008

finally looking up

Well, Im glad to say things are slowly starting to work themselves out. With exception of the job hunt situation anyway. lol. but we will save that for another day.

Chris and Heidi are finally talking to me again! and I couldnt be more glad. We all hung out last night and went bowling and Id have to say it was one of the best times ive had in a long ass time. Alcohol was deffinately involved and we never got home till 5am. lol. but it was just so much fun and im glad things werent weird. I deffinately missed them and im looking forward to us all being able to hang out again. It was killing me not hanging out with them.

Today was the MS walk in hollidaysburg. I raised $75 dollars for it, so to everyone who dontated, THANK YOU! I raised enough that i got an MS Walk tshirt. So that is pretty cool. I was pretty proud of myself. I walked the entire 5 miles on 4 hours of sleep, and HUNGOVER! lol. i woke up this morning feeling the need to barf, instead i almost shit my pants. lol. and i had the biggest headache ever, but i sucked it up and walked. In the pouring rain none the less and as result im more than likely going to get sick. lol. but hell it was worth every second. it was so much fun. :)

I started going to the gym, and besides the fact that my stomach seems to be getting fat instead of flat cuz ive been eating non stop, i feel pretty good about my self now. Working out leaves me feeling accomplished and regenerized for some reason. so im hoping if i keep at it i can shed a few of the fat pounds and look good. :)

well im completely exhausted. so im gonna go wait for steve to call and tell me hes home ok, then its bedtime. Catch you all later.

until we meet again,