Friday, March 2, 2012

Random Thoughts again

Somewhere along the line..this girl as lost her funness. Ive lost my funk, and ability to make people laugh. Im not sure where it went but ive come to the conclusion, ive become downright boring. I used to atleast get invited places once in awhile... and people used to call me just to chat. now, my phone doesnt usually ring...and im usually at home on my days off. I know i cant always do something but the invite would atleast be nice. That doesnt even happen anymore. I guess im just a drag. Who knows.

This brings me to another subject... yes i cant always go places, but i do have a kid. Responsibilities come first. With some notice we can find sitters but I dont need to go places ALL the time. I would rather be spending time with my little munchkin who i am more proud of than anything in my life. Once in awhile though it would be cool to get away for a few hours. Like if randy and i have a date night. thats nice. I enjoy those. but for us to go to dinner with a few friends sometime would be cool. or you know like cookouts or something. if we didnt host the cookout we'd be at home by ourselves. its strange. But what gets me...the people that go out all the time that have kids. what do you do with your kids while you're out 4 or 5 or more days a week? Im puzzled by this...and why are you not home with the kids? They are you're responsibility no one elses. if you didnt want to slow down with life...why have a kid? It just dumbfounds me that people can leave their kids and ALWAYS have a baby sitter to do it. Yet when I need someone so I can go to work, no one is willing to help out usually. Its a strange world. It really is.

Ok i think I might be done. just needed to get that out.

Until next time,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I would like to know where I went wrong in life. So i went to a 2 year college...not a 4 year college...big deal. i Graduated with honors, top in my field. What is wrong with that? 4 year college is not for everyone.

For where I live, my job is pretty damn good I think. I work full time. 40+ hrs a week..making pretty decent money for around here. We own our house free an clear...thats right...NO HOUSE PAYMENT... I took on a 2nd job as a scentsy consultant...Im not doing too bad at that either. Pretty soon i am going to own my own business too. See anything wrong so far?

I'm not sure but I think I'm doing a pretty good job raising a gorgeous little boy. Hes completely healthy, and VERY happy. Hes always smiles, eats good, never deprived. Again..where am I going wrong?

I also coupon to help my family with expenses. I buy whatever i can get a good deal on...when i can get a good deal. And guess what...if im in a pinch I just gotta go to our back room and pull it off the shelf. I dont have to go buy it.

I am so sick of being looked down upon for the decisions I make in life. Last time I checked, its my life. As long as I'm happy what is the big deal? Seriously. I'm sorry that some people can't accept that I am me...not who they want me to be.

I am so happy with my life. I have an amazing fiance. without him, im not sure what I would do. I have a beautiful son, who has my heart. He is probably the best thing ive ever done with my life...and I am more proud of him than anything in my life. Nevy is my little helper. Im not sure I would get through some days without her. I may be 24, but I'm pretty sure I'm more mature than alot of the people I graduated with, Contrary to what some people believe. I know within the last year I've grown up alot. And I for one, am pretty damn proud of myself....I think maybe you should be too.

Anyway, I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense to everyone, but it makes sense to me. And thats all that matters because I feel better...somewhat.

Until next time,