Thursday, March 31, 2011

Childish BS and Cheating...seriously WTF?

Ok this is kind of random but just some shit I feel strongly about and I figured i'd write in here to get my feelings out about it.

Subject one... Childish bullshit. Please tell me what compels people to prank call someone? Especially at 3am? Thats soooo elementary school. What brought this on you ask? I got a prank call at 3am the other morning from someone (im 95% sure i know who) Saying they were "Fucked up Pamela Anderson from the altoona hospital and they are so sorry to tell me that my hiv test came back positive." First of all.."Hi this is fucked up pamela anderson" Very professional..not a hospital..for 2.. a hospital isnt going to call me at 3am to give me test results...for 3...the hospital isnt going to leave a message to leave test results because of privacy issues. This really rubbed me the wrong way. I have issues sleeping lately as it is because of this pregnant body of mine and the heartburn so when I do finally doze off i don't like when u wake me up for something stupid, its irritating. Also, I don't live alone in my own room not only are you waking my pregnant ass up, but you are waking Randy as well and in a few more months you will wake up my baby...and that will piss me the fuck off. Some people never grow up and its sad. You are 23 years old. its time to start. If it happens again I will prove its you and I will think about pressing charges. Just sayin. Grow. The. Fuck. Up. Thanks.

Subject Two for the evening. Cheating. For no reason in general just the subject in a whole. Why cheat? Someone always gets hurt in the end. I personally would rather be dumped than cheated on. I have been cheated on a few times. The one guy was sleeping with a friend of mine the entire time we were together, because I wouldn't give it up to him. Lame excuse. He actually got my friend pregnant then she lost the baby. Then he started hanging out with this other chick and when i confronted him about it he told me she was his cousin...yea well i didn't trust him anymore at this point so I broke it off..later come to find out he is now married and has a child with this so called cousin...yea cousin my ass. if so you are one sick bastard. I know several people who have cheated on their significant other...and I really don't think its right at all. If you are not happy with your other half anymore...end it. move on. end of story. don't drag it on until someone gets hurt because it never ends well. I just don't understand the subject at all. I would never. Its bullshit.

Anyway, now that I have vented I suppose ill go for the night. Feed back is cool btw :-)

~*Until next time*~