Saturday, March 19, 2011


This blog may not mean a whole lot to anyone other than myself but I feel the need to rant and get things out so this is my way to do it. Maybe people will find it entertaining, maybe not.

I can't stand stupid people. Seriously, the stupidity of people anymore amazes me. People I talk to at work for instance. I often wonder to myself how they do it, or how they graduated high school for that matter, because they seem to have the intelligence level of a 1 year old. I will follow with a few examples.

Example #1: "I have a black screen on my tv and I can't figure out why." Any normal person would know why you have a black screen on your tv. The conversation goes as follows. Me: "Is the power light on the front of you cable box?" Idiot: "I don't know, how do I know that?" Me: "Well, if you walk over to your box and press the power button what happens?" Idiot: (pushes power button) "Oh I have a picture. What could have happened?" Me: "Um, you didn't turn your cable box on. If you don't you will not have a picture" Idiot: "Oh. You're such a genius. Thank you!" (click).

ok seriously, common sense would tell you that in order to get a picture you must turn your tv and cable box on. Randy's 4 year old daughter can tell you how to turn the tv and the box on for goodness sake. Seriously how do these people do it? They call me a genius because I know how to turn on a tv. I just don't understand people.

Example #2: "I can't change the channel on my remote control." My response: "If you push the channel button on the remote do any lights come on the remote" "No." My response to this is well then the remote isn't getting power." At this point usually either the batteries are in the wrong way or the batteries need changed. If we go through all this and the remote still does not work, ok I will give them the benefit of the doubt and the remote needs replaced. When you tell them to bring it into the office and swap it out you get this answer. " How am I supposed to change the channel until I get in there then?" seriously people? what did you do before there was a remote control and you actually had to get up off your over sized lazy ass and flip through channels? I can remember having to change our old tv set from the dial on the tv when I was a kid. People are so lazy these days. Its disgusting.

I don't know if I would classify this next one as a rant or an example but the last 2 days I have gotten people trying to tell me what they would like to pay for our service. Really? One guy actually told me that he is currently a customer of Dish and he would be willing to switch to our triple play if we will knock $10 off of it because to get out of his contract with dish they will charge him a $10 cancellation fee every month for the duration of the contract. Really? The price of the package is $114.99 not $104.99 dude. I don't walk into Mcdonalds and tell them I want a cheeseburger from the dollar menu and tell them I only want to pay .50 for it. It just doesn't work that way. If it did, I would negotiate prices on everything. I also had a guy insist that I didn't have to charge him an install fee. Fact of life, if a tech is coming to your house to install a service, there will be an install charge. After I told him no 3 times and that the best i could do is cut it in half...he hung up on me...then proceeded to call back and get someone else who, wait for it, also told him no...and he hung up on that person too. Once again the stupidity of people amazes me these days.

Anyway, thats about enough of that. Just a quick side not before I end this for the night, Randy and I decided on a name for our baby boy. His name is going to be Keagyn Alexzander Cassidy. But this mamma is out for the night now. I feel so much better getting all that off my chest.

Until next time

Please use common sense



Unknown said...

i love seeing you write again!!! sometimes getting stuff off of your chest