Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Comin to an End...

Well, about 2 weeks of classes to go and this chapter of my college career has ended. Whether I decide to return to school or the story ends here...well you're just going to have to wait and see. lol. Im not even sure of that myself yet.

I have a job interview Thursday morning at 10:30am. Its for Hoss's corporate office as a receptionist. It's only wednesdays and covering shifts for right now, but it could turn permanant. Atleast it will get my foot in the door and it will get me more work experience. I'm a little nervous though. I hope I dont choke on my words. Also Thursday, Ive been invited to go to the scholars awards ceremony. I guess its where they pick the top academic achiever in each program and they get an award...and I just so happen to be getting the award in my program. GO ME! lol. So that might be interesting, and if it isnt, well its getting me out of english class. who wants to talk about hamlet anyway? lol.

ok randomness...YAY!
1. Mario Kart Wii is the greatest game ever invented. I'm obsessed with it. I sit there and cuss at the screen for hours. Those little bastards race dirty! lol. So if you have a wii, I suggest you go buy yourself a copy. Thats right, stop reading right now and go get the damn game! lol.

2. Heath Ledger will always be gorgeous even tho hes gone now. I watched 10 Things I hate about you the other day. That movie gets me every time. His accent....wholy shit. lol.

3. Protein bars taste like shit. Not that I know what shit tastes like or anything but yea I tried some blueberry ones and i had one and gave the rest to my dad. they were pretty gross. and not only gross going down, but they left a gross after taste and they made my mountain dew taste like....gross. lol.

well im out of things for the day. Sorry if i bored you out of your mind once again. More to come soon. So leave feedback so I know people care!

until next time...


Sunday, April 20, 2008

finally looking up

Well, Im glad to say things are slowly starting to work themselves out. With exception of the job hunt situation anyway. lol. but we will save that for another day.

Chris and Heidi are finally talking to me again! and I couldnt be more glad. We all hung out last night and went bowling and Id have to say it was one of the best times ive had in a long ass time. Alcohol was deffinately involved and we never got home till 5am. lol. but it was just so much fun and im glad things werent weird. I deffinately missed them and im looking forward to us all being able to hang out again. It was killing me not hanging out with them.

Today was the MS walk in hollidaysburg. I raised $75 dollars for it, so to everyone who dontated, THANK YOU! I raised enough that i got an MS Walk tshirt. So that is pretty cool. I was pretty proud of myself. I walked the entire 5 miles on 4 hours of sleep, and HUNGOVER! lol. i woke up this morning feeling the need to barf, instead i almost shit my pants. lol. and i had the biggest headache ever, but i sucked it up and walked. In the pouring rain none the less and as result im more than likely going to get sick. lol. but hell it was worth every second. it was so much fun. :)

I started going to the gym, and besides the fact that my stomach seems to be getting fat instead of flat cuz ive been eating non stop, i feel pretty good about my self now. Working out leaves me feeling accomplished and regenerized for some reason. so im hoping if i keep at it i can shed a few of the fat pounds and look good. :)

well im completely exhausted. so im gonna go wait for steve to call and tell me hes home ok, then its bedtime. Catch you all later.

until we meet again,

Friday, April 11, 2008

Scream my lungs out try to get to you....

This is going to be a brief entry. And im not sure when i'll write again. Something big happened yesterday. A few people know, but I'm not going to lay it out for the public to know. All I know is its ripping me apart. Literally. Half my heart feels like its been ripped out of my chest and taken away. And no, steve and i didnt break up. But it feels that way. I cant even begin to put into words what I am feeling right now. I'm confused. Im hurt. Im angry. Im depressed. and that is just half of it. I hardly slept last night. and when I did drift to sleep I dreamed about it. I cant escape it. and frankly it upsets me. I wish I could just forget about it but I cant. I know alot of you are confused right now, but thats ok. This entry is more for me to vent about my feelings. And the people who know what happened will understand better. I dont know i guess im going to stop writing. I have things to do, even though all I feel like doing is sleeping my life away. You dont even know. I may not write for awhile, but just know i'll be back when the time is right.

till we meet again

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

what a day

Well. I was pretty much in a funk for most of the day. I had a dr apt at 2:15. They are never fun. But I didnt get violated today which is a plus. After that I met Lyndsey and she suprised me by asking me if I would be her maid of honor in her wedding in Oct 2009! How awesome is that shit! So we went to David's Bridal and tried on dresses. She looked so cute! I'm excited for her. I really am. And I'm honored to be her Maid of Honor.

Then, I get home tonight and I read a blog that Mitch wrote. It's people like him that keep me going and I just want to give a big old virtual hug to him right now. (hes a germaphobe so I cant give him a real one)*HUGS!* Hes my best friend and I wouldnt change it for the world. You know, I really want to see that movie Made of Honor. Its about a girl and a guy that are best friends and she asks him to be her maid of honor LOL. It kind of reminds me of mitch and I, though in the movie hes inlove with the bride and tries to steal her from the groom. I dont see that happening in our situation. lol. but who knows I could be wrong. Mitch I think that may be a movie we need to sneak out and see together. What do you think? =)

Well, short entry but I thought id share the exciting events of today with everyone. I'm off to bed now to get my much needed beauty sleep for tomorrow. Class all day with my pals. Thanks for the kind words in ur blog mitch. it really made my day! And who knows...maybe a giant anaconda will eat midget and all your problems will be solved! *evil laugh*

Until we meet again

Monday, April 7, 2008

no title for this one

I couldn't think of a title for this one. Much because I'm sort of in a funk when i write this tonite. I just feel the need for some venting time. So here goes.

I miss my friend(well ex friend) Chris. He recently stopped talking to me cuz his ex girlfriend that hes trying to get back together with hates me. She blames me for them breaking up for whatever reason. And it bothers me. Chris and I were tight. We always hung out and we always had a blast. But aparently im a slut and can't be trusted around him so she wont allow him to see me. And to top it off i recently found out they got back together. So i guess i can lose his number cuz i wont be seeing him anymore. Aparently many people think im a slut? Another friend for instance wont let me chill with my best friend because they somehow think im going to steal him or something. I dont know its all dum. I dont see how im a big slut when Ive been with one guy my whole life and Im inlove with him. I couldnt even dream of cheating on him. I dont even know anymore. The whole thing just depresses me.

So, Random moment, I ate an entire bag of popcorn by myself after work today. It was fantastic. MmM the buttery essence just melts in your mouth. And the result of it, I feel like ass. Ate way to much for my lil belly. Oh but i could totally go for another bag! lol.

Ive come to realize i need to start budgeting my money again. I was doing so good. I had alot saved up in my checking account. And then I started splurging way to much. iPod for one. ok thats not too bad rite. I used my tax money from last year. Wii. Big mistake. I mean its fun but im still paying of my credit card as a result of it. lol. Guitar Hero III. Love it...spend almost 90 dollars on it....and I shouldnt have. And the big kahuna of impulse buys...rock band. super game..but didnt have the money. and it takes up so much space! lol. So in result I have like 200 bucks in the bank and soon im going to be getting student loans. so from now on..NO MORE IMPULSE BUYING! unless daughtry comes to town of course! lol. I put my tax money from this year in savings so i cant spend it...unless i decide to get the camera ive been wanting..but ive been planing this for a few weeks now and i have someone lined up to buy my old one. so we'll see. any suggestions?

Well, that was enough boring randomness for the day. Catch you all soon. If anyone reads. I dont get any feedback.

Until next time,